
161 lines
5.5 KiB

import sys
import os
from userconfig.cfgfile import Conf
import re
import time
import shutil
class Debug:
_verbose = 0
_COLOR_RED = '\033[91m'
_COLOR_BLUE = '\33[34m'
_COLOR_GREEN = '\33[32m'
_COLOR_YELLOW = '\033[93m'
_COLOR_END = '\33[0m'
def __init__(self, verbose=0):
def set_verbose(self, verbose):
self._verbose = verbose
def add_verbose(self):
self._verbose += 1
def get_verbose(self):
return self._verbose
def stdout(self, out, verbose_level=0, category='STANDARD'):
if self._verbose >= verbose_level:
if category in self._FORMAT:
print(f'[category {category} unknown]:{out}')
def stderr(self, out, verbose_level=0, category='STANDARD'):
if self._verbose >= verbose_level:
if category in self._FORMAT:
print(f'{self._FORMAT[category]}{out}', file=sys.stderr)
print(f'[category {category} unknown]:{out}', file=sys.stderr)
def get_config(filename, cfg):
"""reads filename as config, checks for DEST parameter and returns cfgfile object"""
ret = Conf(filename=filename, debug=cfg.debug, force_filename=True)
except ValueError:
cfg.debug.stderr("Error reading config file %s" % filename)
return False
# check for DEST parameter
if not ret.check(section="Main", option="dest"):
cfg.debug.stderr("No dest in config file %s" % filename)
return False
# make sure DEST ends with /
if not ret.get(section="Main", option="dest").endswith("/"):
ret.set(section="Main", option="dest", value=ret.get(section="Main", option="dest")+"/")
return ret
def read_skip_comment(fp, commentstring):
"""Read line from filehandle fp and skip all empty (whitespace) lines and lines starting with commentstring
for line in fp:
line = line[:-1]
if ((commentstring != "" and not re.match("^"+re.escape(commentstring), line)) and line != "" and
not re.match(r"^\s+$", line)):
yield line
def diff(destfile, tempfile, commentstring, cfg):
"""diff destfile and tempfile, returns True if files differ, False if they are the same"""
cfg.debug.stdout("Diffing %s and %s, comment: %s" % (destfile, tempfile, commentstring), 3)
if not os.path.isfile(destfile):
cfg.debug.stdout("Destfile %s does not exist, returning True." % destfile, 3)
# destfile does not exist -> copy tempfile over
return True
# if not destfile
if not os.path.isfile(tempfile):
# tempfile does not exist, this should never happen
cfg.debug.stderr("Temporary file %s does not exist, this should not happen." % tempfile)
# if not tempfile
fp1 = open(tempfile)
fp2 = open(destfile)
for line1, line2 in zip(read_skip_comment(fp1, commentstring), read_skip_comment(fp2, commentstring)):
if line1 != line2:
cfg.debug.stdout("%s differs, return true" % destfile, 3)
return True
# if differ
# for line
cfg.debug.stdout("%s is the same, return false" % destfile, 3)
return False
def user_config_generated(filename, cfg):
"""returns True if filename has been generated by userconfig, False else"""
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
# filename does not exist, so it was not generated by userconfig
return False
if not cfg.check("stamp"):
# no STAMP in userconfig.cfg, so no way to check if file was generated by userconfig
return False
fp = open(filename, "r")
for line in fp:
if"stamp")), line):
return True
return False
def backup_file(filename, cfg):
"""make backup of filename, returns True if backup is successful, False else"""
if os.path.isfile(filename):
cfg.debug.stdout("%s exists, finding backup name." % filename, 3)
backupname = filename+".userconfig."+time.strftime("%F")
testbackupname = backupname
counter = 0
while os.path.isfile(testbackupname):
counter += 1
testbackupname = backupname+"."+str(counter)
cfg.debug.stdout("Renaming %s to %s" % (filename, testbackupname), 1)
os.rename(filename, testbackupname)
return True
cfg.debug.stdout("%s does not exist, do not need backup." % filename, 3)
return False
def copy_file(sourcefile, destfile, cfg):
"""copy sourcefile to destfile, returns True if successful, False else"""
if os.path.isfile(sourcefile):
# sourcefile exists
cfg.debug.stdout("Source file %s exists, proceeding with copy." % sourcefile, 3)
if not os.path.isfile(destfile) or os.access(destfile, os.W_OK):
cfg.debug.stdout("Copying %s to %s" % (sourcefile, destfile), 1)
shutil.copy(sourcefile, destfile)
return True
# destfile is writable
cfg.debug.stdout("Destination file %s does not exist or is not writable." % destfile, 3)
return False