
92 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable File

import os
import argparse
from userconfig.cfgfile import Conf
from import Debug
from userconfig import Userconfig
import sys
import subprocess
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='userconfig',
description='Manages configuration files, usually in the user home directory')
help='Verbosity level (multiple v for higher level)',
dest='verbose', action='count', default=0)
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file',
help='userconfig2.cfg config file',
dest='file', action='store')
cmdline = parser.parse_args()
debug = Debug()
# debug.set_verbose(cmdline.verbose)
# cfg = Conf(filename=cmdline.file, debug=debug)
cfg = Conf(filename='/Users/lysis/userconfig2-test.conf', debug=debug)
# cfg = Conf(filename='/Users/lysis/etc/userconfig2.conf', debug=debug)
uc = Userconfig(cfg)
cfg.debug.stdout(f"Verbose level is {cfg.debug.get_verbose()}", 1, 'STANDARD')
configdir = cfg.get("configdir")
# configdir is the root of the userconfig files
# Directory structure:
# configdir/
# |-- userconfig2.conf
# |-- package1/
# |- package.conf
# |- 001_Arch_Linux/
# |- file1
# |- file2
# |- 002_Host_glitters/
# |- file1
# |- 003_all/
# |- file2
# Terminology:
# directories below configdir are packages, packages contain directories categorizing for which host/arch they
# are fitted, below that are files which are installed at the destination
# directory names in packages:
# [Number]_[category]_[value]
# Number: can have leading zeros for better sorting in directory structure, will be used for sorting and priority
# category: which kind of match we are looking for. currently: Arch for `uname -s`, Host for `hostname -s`
# value: optional, if category requires input, for example: Arch_Linux
# can be empty for example if category is all (no match needed, we want this always to be applied)
cfg.debug.stdout(f'configdir: {configdir}', 1)
for package in os.scandir(configdir):
if not package.is_dir():
cfg.debug.stdout(f'{package.path} is not a directory, skipping', 2, 'WARNING')
if in ['.svn', '.git']:
cfg.debug.stdout(f'{package.path} is a svn or git data directory, skipping', 2, 'WARNING')
if os.path.isfile(f'{package.path}/.ignore'):
cfg.debug.stdout(f'{package.path} contains .ignore, skipping', 2, 'WARNING')
cfg.debug.stdout(f'============ start {package.path} ============', 2)
(category_dirs, dir_config) = uc.process_package_dir(package.path)
cfg.debug.stdout(f'Got categories: {category_dirs}', 2)
host_category_dirs = uc.filter_categories(category_dirs)
cfg.debug.stdout(f'Filtered categories for host: {host_category_dirs}', 2)
file_list = dict()
for c in host_category_dirs:
file_list = uc.process_category_dir(c, file_list)
cfg.debug.stdout(f'Found files: {file_list}', 2)
if len(file_list) and os.access(f'{package.path}/', os.X_OK):
cfg.debug.stdout(f'Execute {package.path}/', 2)[f'{package.path}/'])
for file in file_list:
dest = f'{dir_config.get(section="Main", option="dest")}/{file}'
comment_string = dir_config.get(section="Main", option="commentstring")
except ValueError:
cfg.debug.stdout(f'commentstring does not exist in config file {dir_config._cfgfiles}', 0, 'ERROR')
# Make sure all directories for destination file exist
uc.create_destination_directories(dir_config.get(section="Main", option="dest"))
temp_filename = uc.build_file(file_list[file], dest, comment_string)
uc.copy_file(temp_filename, dest, comment_string)
cfg.debug.stdout(f'============ end {package.path} ============\n\n', 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':