from import get_config import subprocess from userconfig.checks import classes_for_host import os from import diff, user_config_generated, backup_file, copy_file import time import re import tempfile class Userconfig: _cfg = None def __init__(self, cfg): self._cfg = cfg def build_file(self, classfiles, destfile, commentstring): """open all classfiles, assemble them and write the contents into a tempfile returns the name of tempfile :param classfiles: :param destfile: :param commentstring: :return: str """ content = [] self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" ================ build_file {destfile} ===============", 1) if commentstring != "": self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ commentstring found, adding header.", 3) content.append(commentstring + " " + self._cfg.get("stamp") + " " + time.strftime("%+") + "\n") for f in classfiles: self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Merging %s." % f, 4) fp = open(f, "r") filecontent = fp.close() if commentstring == "": # look for stamp in content, replace with real stamp if"stampreplace")), filecontent): self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ commentstring empty, replacing stamp in file", 3) filecontent = re.sub(re.escape(self._cfg.get("stampreplace")), self._cfg.get("stamp"), filecontent) content.append(filecontent) (tempfd, tempfilename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=os.path.basename(destfile), dir="/tmp") try: fp = os.fdopen(tempfd, "w") except Exception as e: self._cfg.debug.stderr(f"Cannot write to temporary file {tempfilename}: {e}") os.remove(tempfilename) return False self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Writing merged files into tempfile %s." % tempfilename, 3) for block in content: fp.write(block) fp.write("\n") fp.close() self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" ================ done: build_file {destfile} ===============", 1) return tempfilename def process_all_files(self, destfiles, dir_config): """processes all files in destfiles, generate files from classes, compare and copy if necessary""" self._cfg.debug.stdout(" ================ process_all_files ===============", 1) for df in destfiles.keys(): self._cfg.debug.stdout(" ??? Processing source files for %s." % df, 2) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(df)): self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Directory %s does not exist, creating" % os.path.dirname(df), 1) os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(df)) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(df)): self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" --- Destination directory {os.path.dirname(df)} does not exist, skipping.", 1) return False # assemble file to tmp commentstring = "" if dir_config.check(section="Main", option="commentstring"): commentstring = dir_config.get(section="Main", option="commentstring") self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Found commentstring %s in %s" % (commentstring, df), 3) tempfilename = self.build_file(destfiles[df], df, commentstring) if not tempfilename: self._cfg.debug.stdout(" --- Error while creating temp file for %s, skipping." % df, 1) continue self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Merged files %s for %s into %s" % (str(destfiles[df]), df, tempfilename), 2) # diff assembled file and config file if diff(df, tempfilename, commentstring, self._cfg): self._cfg.debug.stdout("File %s has changed" % df, 0) if not user_config_generated(df, self._cfg): self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ %s not generated by userconfig, backing up." % df, 2) # file not generated from userconfig -> back up backup_file(df, self._cfg) # copy tmp file to real location self._cfg.debug.stdout("Copy %s to %s." % (tempfilename, df), 0) copy_file(tempfilename, df, self._cfg) # remove tmp self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Removing temporary file %s." % tempfilename, 2) os.remove(tempfilename) self._cfg.debug.stdout(" ================ process_all_files ===============", 1) def workconf(self, directory, depth=2): """walks through directory, collecting all filenames, returns list of all filenames""" dirs = os.listdir(directory) ret = [] self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" ================ workconf {directory} ===============", 1) for d in dirs: name = directory + "/" + d if os.path.isdir(name): self.workconf(name, depth + 1) if name.endswith(".swp"): continue if d == ".svn": continue ret.append(name) self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Found file %s in directory %s" % (name, directory), 4) self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" ================ done: workconf {directory} ===============", 1) return ret def workdir(self, directory): """walks through all host classes, checking if the classes directory exists in directory then collect all filenames within this directory and return a dict of all files for this directory """ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" ================ workdir {directory} ===============", 1) # skip directory if no CONFIGFILE present if not os.path.isfile(directory+"/"+self._cfg.get("configfile")): self._cfg.debug.stdout(f' --- No file {self._cfg.get("configfile")} in {directory}, skipping.', 1) return {}, None # get config file for directory dir_config = get_config(directory + "/" + self._cfg.get("configfile"), self._cfg) if not dir_config: self._cfg.debug.stdout(f' --- Cannot read config file {self._cfg.get("configfile")} in {directory}, ' f'skipping.', 1) return {}, None destdir = dir_config.get(section="Main", option="dest") # destfiles is a dict of all files that will be created from the classes config # key is the destination filename, values are all classes filenames that are used to # build the file destfiles = {} try: reverse_sort = dir_config.get(section="Main", option="reverse", boolean=True) except ValueError: reverse_sort = False self._cfg.debug.stdout(f' +++ reverse_sort is {reverse_sort}', 3) if os.access(directory + "/", os.X_OK):[directory + "/"]) # walk through all know classes in directory and find filenames for h in classes_for_host(reverse_sort): # build classes directory if h[0] != "": classdir = directory+"/"+h[0]+"_"+h[1] else: classdir = directory+"/"+h[1] self._cfg.debug.stdout(" ??? Looking for directory %s." % classdir, 4) # if class directory exists if os.path.isdir(classdir): self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Found directory %s, getting files." % classdir, 4) # get list of files within this class directory tempfiles = self.workconf(classdir) self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Got %d files: %s." % (len(tempfiles), str(tempfiles)), 4) # put files into dict for f in tempfiles: destname = destdir+os.path.basename(f) # destination filename if destname not in destfiles: destfiles[destname] = [] destfiles[destname].append(f) # append each file to dict self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" +++ Added file to {destname}, now {len(destfiles[destname])} files: " f"{destfiles[destname]}", 4) self._cfg.debug.stdout(" === workdir: %s, Files: %s" % (directory, str(destfiles)), 3) self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" ================ done: workdir {directory} ===============", 1) return destfiles, dir_config