#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # # $Id$ # $URL$ """ userconfig.py Created by Marcus Stoegbauer on 2013-01-10. Copyright (c) 2013 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. """ import sys import os import tempfile import re import getopt import time # import userconfig.cfgfile as cfgfile from userconfig.checks import checks import userconfig.Tools as Tools debug = Tools.Debug() classchecks = checks() cfg = cfgfile.Conf() hostclasses = classchecks.__classesForHost__() class Usage(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg # def __init__ help_message = """ -h help -d debug -c userconfig.cfg config file """ # class Usage def workconf(directory, depth=2): """walks through directory, collecting all filenames, returns list of all filenames""" dirs = os.listdir(directory) ret = [] for d in dirs: name = directory+"/"+d if os.path.isdir(name): # fixme: create name if it does not exist workconf(name, depth+1) # if dir if not name.endswith(".swp"): ret.append(name) debug.debug("workconf: found file %s" % name, depth) # if not .swp # for d return ret # def workconf def workdir(directory): """walks through all host classes, checking if the classes directory exists in directory then collect all filenames within this directory and return a dict of all files for this directory """ debug.debug("===============================", 1) # skip directory if no CONFIGFILE present if not os.path.isfile(directory+"/"+cfg.get("Main", "configfile")): debug.debug("No %s in %s, skipping." % (cfg.get("Main", "configfile"), directory), 1) return ({},None) # if not DEST # get config file for directory dirConfig = Tools.getConfig(directory+"/"+cfg.get("Main", "configfile")) if not dirConfig: debug.debug("Cannot read %s in %s, skipping." % (cfg.get("Main", "configfile"), directory), 1) return ({},None) # if not dirConfig destdir = dirConfig.get("Main","dest") # destfiles is a dict of all files that will be created from the classes config # key is the destination filename, values are all classes filenames that are used to # build the file destfiles = {} # walk through all know classes in directory and find filenames for h in hostclasses: # build classes directory if h[0] != "": classdir = directory+"/"+h[0]+"_"+h[1] else: classdir = directory+"/"+h[1] # if all # if class directory exists if os.path.isdir(classdir): debug.debug("workdir: %s" % classdir, 1) # get list of files within this class directory tempfiles = workconf(classdir) # put files into dict for f in tempfiles: destname = destdir+os.path.basename(f) # destination filename if not destfiles.has_key(destname): destfiles[destname] = [] # if not destname, create key with empty list destfiles[destname].append(f) # append each file to dict # for tempfiles # if classdir # for hostclasses debug.debug("workdir: %s, Files: %s" % (directory, str(destfiles))) debug.debug("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", 1) return (destfiles, dirConfig) # def work def buildFile(classfiles, destfile, commentstring): """open all classfiles, assemble them and write the contents into a tempfile returns the name of tempfile""" content = [] if commentstring != "": content.append(commentstring + " " + cfg.get("Main","stamp") + " " + time.strftime("%+") + "\n") # if commentstring not empty for f in classfiles: fp = open(f, "r") filecontent = fp.read() fp.close() if commentstring == "": # look for stamp in content, replace with real stamp if re.search(re.escape(cfg.get("Main","stampreplace")), filecontent): filecontent = re.sub(re.escape(cfg.get("Main","stampreplace")), cfg.get("Main","stamp"), filecontent) # if search # if commentstring empty content.append(filecontent) # end f (tempfd, tempfilename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=os.path.basename(destfile), dir="/tmp") fp = None try: fp = os.fdopen(tempfd, "w") except: Tools.error("Cannot write to temporary file %s" % tempfilename) os.remove(tempfilename) return False # try for block in content: fp.write(block) fp.write("\n") # for content fp.close() return tempfilename # def buildFile def processAllFiles(destfiles, dirConfig): """processes all files in destfiles, generate files from classes, compare and copy if necessary""" debug.debug("processAllFiles, dirConfig: %s" % (str(dirConfig.getitems("Main")))) for df in destfiles.keys(): # assemble file to tmp commentstring = "" if dirConfig.check("Main", "commentstring"): commentstring = dirConfig.get("Main", "commentstring") debug.debug("Found commentstring %s in %s" % (commentstring, df)) # if COMMENTSTRNIG tempfilename = buildFile(destfiles[df], df, commentstring) if not tempfilename: debug.debug("Error while creating temp file for %s, skipping." % df) continue # if not tempfilename # diff assembled file and config file if Tools.diff(df, tempfilename, commentstring, debug): print df,"changed", if not Tools.userConfigGenerated(df, cfg): print "(trying to back up file)", debug.debug("%s not generated by userconfig, backing up." % df) # file not generated from userconfig -> back up Tools.backupFile(df, debug) # if not userConfigGenerated # copy tmp file to real location print "copying new version." Tools.copyFile(tempfilename, df, debug) # if diff # remove tmp os.remove(tempfilename) # for df # def buildAllFiles def main(): configfile = "" global verbose try: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hdc:v", ["help", "debug", "config="]) except getopt.error, msg: raise Usage(msg) # try getopt for option, value in opts: if option == "-v": debug.setverbose(1) if option in ("-h", "--help"): raise Usage(help_message) if option in ("-d", "--debug.debug"): pass if option in ("-c", "--config"): configfile = value # if # for option, value except Usage, err: Tools.error(sys.argv[0].split("/")[-1] + ": " + str(err.msg)) Tools.error("\t for help use --help") return 2 # try if configfile == "": Tools.error( "No config file specified.") return 2 # if configfile cfg.setfilename(configfile) debug.debug("Classes for host: %s" % hostclasses) configdir = cfg.get("Main", "configdir") for d in os.listdir(configdir): destfiles = {} name = configdir+d if not os.path.isdir(name): continue elif d.startswith(".svn"): continue elif os.path.isfile(name+"/.ignore"): continue else: debug.debug("main: %s" % name) (destfiles, dirConfig) = workdir(name) if isinstance(destfiles, dict): if len(destfiles.keys()) > 0: processAllFiles(destfiles, dirConfig) # if > 0 else: debug.debug("No destfiles for %s, skipping." % d) # if # for d # def main if __name__ == '__main__': main()