diff --git a/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml b/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7edf564..0000000
--- a/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/misc.xml b/.idea/misc.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e48b91..0000000
--- a/.idea/misc.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/modules.xml b/.idea/modules.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a889953..0000000
--- a/.idea/modules.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/pyuserconfig.iml b/.idea/pyuserconfig.iml
deleted file mode 100644
index 85c7612..0000000
--- a/.idea/pyuserconfig.iml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/shelf/Uncommitted_changes_before_Checkout_at_29_03_2024_21_55_[Changes]/shelved.patch b/.idea/shelf/Uncommitted_changes_before_Checkout_at_29_03_2024_21_55_[Changes]/shelved.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 22e45fa..0000000
--- a/.idea/shelf/Uncommitted_changes_before_Checkout_at_29_03_2024_21_55_[Changes]/shelved.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Index: .idea/pyuserconfig.iml
-IDEA additional info:
-Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.BaseRevisionTextPatchEP
-<+>\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
-Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
-diff --git a/.idea/pyuserconfig.iml b/.idea/pyuserconfig.iml
---- a/.idea/pyuserconfig.iml (revision cba08629cbfd9427213cb8e1719d2ce1e601bdfc)
-+++ b/.idea/pyuserconfig.iml (date 1711709021136)
-@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-Index: .idea/misc.xml
-IDEA additional info:
-Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.BaseRevisionTextPatchEP
-<+>\n\n \n
-Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
-diff --git a/.idea/misc.xml b/.idea/misc.xml
---- a/.idea/misc.xml (revision cba08629cbfd9427213cb8e1719d2ce1e601bdfc)
-+++ b/.idea/misc.xml (date 1711709021140)
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/shelf/Uncommitted_changes_before_Checkout_at_29_03_2024_21_55__Changes_.xml b/.idea/shelf/Uncommitted_changes_before_Checkout_at_29_03_2024_21_55__Changes_.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 082f683..0000000
--- a/.idea/shelf/Uncommitted_changes_before_Checkout_at_29_03_2024_21_55__Changes_.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/vcs.xml b/.idea/vcs.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 94a25f7..0000000
--- a/.idea/vcs.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cli/__init__.py b/cli/__init__.py
index 108e0ec..2c3691d 100755
--- a/cli/__init__.py
+++ b/cli/__init__.py
@@ -1,11 +1,69 @@
import os
import argparse
from userconfig.cfgfile import Conf
-from userconfig.tools import Debug
-from userconfig.checks import classes_for_host
from userconfig import Userconfig
+import sys
+import subprocess
+class Debug:
+ _verbose = 0
+ _COLOR_RED = '\033[91m'
+ _COLOR_BLUE = '\33[34m'
+ _COLOR_GREEN = '\33[32m'
+ _COLOR_YELLOW = '\033[93m'
+ _COLOR_END = '\33[0m'
+ }
+ def __init__(self, verbose=0):
+ self.set_verbose(verbose)
+ def set_verbose(self, verbose):
+ self._verbose = verbose
+ def add_verbose(self):
+ self._verbose += 1
+ def get_verbose(self):
+ return self._verbose
+ def stdout(self, out, verbose_level=0, category='STANDARD'):
+ spaces = ''
+ if verbose_level > 1:
+ spaces = ' '*(verbose_level-1)
+ if self._verbose >= verbose_level:
+ if category in self._FORMAT:
+ print(f'{spaces}{self._FORMAT[category]}{out}')
+ else:
+ print(f'{spaces}[category {category} unknown]:{out}')
+ def stderr(self, out, verbose_level=0, category='STANDARD'):
+ if self._verbose >= verbose_level:
+ if category in self._FORMAT:
+ print(f'{self._FORMAT[category]}{out}', file=sys.stderr)
+ else:
+ print(f'[category {category} unknown]:{out}', file=sys.stderr)
+ def red(self, out):
+ return f'{self._COLOR_RED}{out}{self._COLOR_END}'
+ def green(self, out):
+ return f'{self._COLOR_GREEN}{out}{self._COLOR_END}'
+ def blue(self, out):
+ return f'{self._COLOR_BLUE}{out}{self._COLOR_END}'
+ def yellow(self, out):
+ return f'{self._COLOR_YELLOW}{out}{self._COLOR_END}'
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='userconfig',
description='Manages configuration files, usually in the user home directory')
@@ -22,34 +80,87 @@ def main():
cfg = Conf(filename=cmdline.file, debug=debug)
uc = Userconfig(cfg)
- cfg.debug.stdout(f"Verbose level is {cfg.debug.get_verbose()}", 1)
- cfg.debug.stdout("================ main ===============", 1)
- temp_classes = ""
- for h in classes_for_host():
- temp_classes = temp_classes + str(h) + ","
- cfg.debug.stdout("+++ Current host is in classes %s" % temp_classes, 1)
- configdir = cfg.get("configdir")
- for d in os.listdir(configdir):
- name = configdir+"/"+d
- cfg.debug.stdout("+++ Working in %s" % name, 1)
- if not os.path.isdir(name):
- cfg.debug.stdout("--- %s is not a directory, skipping." % name, 3)
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'Verbose level: {cfg.debug.get_verbose()}', 1)
+ configdir = cfg.get('configdir')
+ # configdir is the root of the userconfig files
+ # Directory structure:
+ # configdir/
+ # |-- userconfig2.conf
+ # |-- package1/
+ # |- package.conf
+ # |- 001_Arch_Linux/
+ # |- file1
+ # |- file2
+ # |- 002_Host_glitters/
+ # |- file1
+ # |- 003_all/
+ # |- file2
+ #
+ # Terminology:
+ # directories below configdir are packages, packages contain directories categorizing for which host/arch they
+ # are fitted, below that are files which are installed at the destination
+ #
+ # directory names in packages:
+ # [Number]_[category]_[value]
+ # Number: can have leading zeros for better sorting in directory structure, will be used for sorting and priority
+ # category: which kind of match we are looking for. currently: Arch for `uname -s`, Host for `hostname -s`
+ # value: optional, if category requires an input value, for example: Arch_Linux
+ # can be empty for example if category is all (no match needed, we want this always to be applied)
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'configdir: {configdir}', 1)
+ for package in os.scandir(configdir):
+ # Skip on non-production files
+ if not package.is_dir():
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'{package.path} is not a directory, skipping', 2, 'WARNING')
- elif d.startswith(".svn") or d.startswith(".git"):
- cfg.debug.stdout("--- %s is .svn or .git, skipping." % name, 3)
+ if package.name in ['.svn', '.git']:
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'{package.path} is a svn or git data directory, skipping', 2, 'WARNING')
- elif os.path.isfile(name+"/.ignore"):
- cfg.debug.stdout("--- %s contains file .ignore, skipping." % name, 3)
+ if os.path.isfile(f'{package.path}/.ignore'):
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'{package.path} contains .ignore, skipping', 2, 'WARNING')
- else:
- cfg.debug.stdout("+++ Processing files in %s" % name, 2)
- (destfiles, dirConfig) = uc.workdir(name)
- if isinstance(destfiles, dict):
- if len(destfiles.keys()) > 0:
- cfg.debug.stdout("+++ Building %d files: %s" % (len(destfiles.keys()), destfiles.keys()), 3)
- uc.process_all_files(destfiles, dirConfig)
+ # Start processing
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'Start Package {cfg.debug.green(package.path)}', 1, 'NOTICE')
+ # Get all category directories for package
+ (category_dirs, dir_config) = uc.process_package_dir(package.path)
+ if not category_dirs:
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'Could not get category_dirs for package {package.name}, skipping package.', 0, 'ERROR')
+ continue
+ if not dir_config:
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'Could not get dir_config for package {package.name}, skipping package.', 0, 'ERROR')
+ continue
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'Got categories: {category_dirs}', 2)
+ host_category_dirs = uc.filter_categories(category_dirs)
+ cfg.debug.stdout('Host uses categories: %s' % ", ".join([f'{v[1]}_{v[2]}' for v in host_category_dirs]), 2)
+ file_list = dict()
+ for c in host_category_dirs:
+ file_list = uc.process_category_dir(c, file_list)
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'Found files: {file_list}', 2)
+ if len(file_list) and os.access(f'{package.path}/install.sh', os.X_OK):
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'Execute {package.path}/install.sh', 2)
+ subprocess.call([f'{package.path}/install.sh'])
+ for file in file_list:
+ dest = f'{dir_config.get(section="Main", option="dest")}/{file}'
+ cfg.debug.stdout('Generating %s from:\n %s' % (dest, "\n ".join(file_list[file])), 1)
+ try:
+ comment_string = dir_config.get(section="Main", option="commentstring")
+ except ValueError:
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'commentstring does not exist in config file {dir_config._cfgfiles}', 0, 'ERROR')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Make sure all directories for destination file exist
+ if uc.create_destination_directories(dir_config.get(section="Main", option="dest")):
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'Created target directories {cfg.debug.green(dir_config.get(section="Main", option="dest"))}',
+ 0, 'SUCCESS')
- cfg.debug.stdout("--- No files found for %s, skipping." % name, 1)
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'All target directories exist', 2)
+ temp_filename = uc.build_file(file_list[file], dest, comment_string)
+ if uc.diff_and_copy_file(temp_filename, dest, comment_string):
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'Copy {temp_filename} -> {cfg.debug.green(dest)} (changed)\n', 0, 'SUCCESS')
+ else:
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'Generated file and destination are the same.\n', 1)
+ cfg.debug.stdout(f'End Package {cfg.debug.green(package.path)}\n\n', 1, 'NOTICE')
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 3c5f62e..af9084b 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
name = "userconfig"
-version = "2.0b-1"
+version = "2.0"
authors = [ {name = "Marcus Stoegbauer", email = "marcus@grmpf.org"} ]
maintainers = [ {name = "Marcus Stoegbauer", email = "marcus@grmpf.org"} ]
description = "Generate config files for user home"
diff --git a/test.py b/test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a465bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import cli
diff --git a/userconfig/__init__.py b/userconfig/__init__.py
index f4768a8..8b86107 100644
--- a/userconfig/__init__.py
+++ b/userconfig/__init__.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-from userconfig.tools import get_config
-import subprocess
-from userconfig.checks import classes_for_host
+from userconfig.checks import check_class
+from userconfig.cfgfile import Conf
import os
-from userconfig.tools import diff, user_config_generated, backup_file, copy_file
import time
-import re
import tempfile
+from pathlib import Path
+import shutil
+import re
+import sys
class Userconfig:
@@ -14,160 +15,239 @@ class Userconfig:
def __init__(self, cfg):
self._cfg = cfg
- def build_file(self, classfiles, destfile, commentstring):
- """open all classfiles, assemble them and write the contents into a tempfile
- returns the name of tempfile
- :param classfiles:
- :param destfile:
- :param commentstring:
- :return: str
- """
+ def process_package_dir(self, package_dir):
+ """
+ Walk through package_dir, collect all directories inside, parse them according to our specs and return
+ a sorted list with entries (prio, category, value, path)
+ :param package_dir: root of package directory
+ :return: list of tuples (prio, category, value, path), sorted with prio
+ """
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'process package_dir {package_dir}', 3)
+ package_config_file = f'{package_dir}/{self._cfg.get("configfile")}'
+ if not os.path.isfile(package_config_file):
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'No config file {self._cfg.get("configfile")} in {package_dir}, skipping',
+ 0, 'ERROR')
+ return None, None
+ dir_config = self.get_config(package_config_file)
+ if not dir_config:
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'Cannot read config file {package_config_file}, skipping', 0, 'ERROR')
+ return None, None
+ classes = []
+ for category in os.scandir(package_dir):
+ if category.path == package_config_file:
+ continue
+ if not category.is_dir():
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'{category.path} is not a directory, skipping', 3)
+ continue
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'process category {category.path}', 3)
+ content = category.name.split('_')
+ # Format: __
+ if len(content) == 3:
+ prio_string = content[0]
+ category_name = content[1]
+ value = content[2]
+ elif len(content) == 2:
+ prio_string = content[0]
+ category_name = content[1]
+ value = ''
+ else:
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'Format of package directory {category.path} wrong, skipping', 0, 'ERROR')
+ continue
+ try:
+ prio = int(prio_string)
+ except ValueError:
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'Cannot convert prio to integer ({category.path}, skipping', 0, 'ERROR')
+ continue
+ # self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'Got class: {(prio, category_name, value)}', 3)
+ classes.append((prio, category_name, value, category.path))
+ classes.sort(key=lambda k: k[0])
+ return classes, dir_config
+ def filter_categories(self, categories):
+ """
+ Get classes list of tuples from process_package_dir and filter it for host running the command
+ :param categories: list of tuples from process_package_dir
+ :return: matching classes for this host
+ """
+ ret = []
+ for c in categories:
+ if not c[1]:
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'category not set for {c[3]}, skipping', 0, 'ERROR')
+ continue
+ if check_class(c):
+ ret.append(c)
+ return ret
+ def process_category_dir(self, category_dir_tuple, file_list):
+ """
+ Walk through category_dir, collect all files
+ :param category_dir_tuple:
+ :param file_list:
+ :return:
+ """
+ (prio, category, value, category_dir) = category_dir_tuple
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'process category {category_dir}', 3)
+ for file in os.scandir(category_dir):
+ if file.name not in file_list:
+ file_list[file.name] = []
+ file_list[file.name].append(file.path)
+ return file_list
+ def build_file(self, files, dest_file, comment_string):
+ """
+ merge all files in files[] and write contents into a temporary file
+ :param files:
+ :param dest_file:
+ :param comment_string:
+ :return: temporary filename
+ """
content = []
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" ================ build_file {destfile} ===============", 1)
- if commentstring != "":
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ commentstring found, adding header.", 3)
- content.append(commentstring + " " + self._cfg.get("stamp") + " " + time.strftime("%+") + "\n")
- for f in classfiles:
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Merging %s." % f, 4)
- fp = open(f, "r")
- filecontent = fp.read()
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'building file for {dest_file}', 3)
+ if comment_string:
+ content.append(f'{comment_string} {self._cfg.get("stamp")} {time.strftime("%+")}\n')
+ for file in files:
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'Merging {file}', 3)
+ fp = open(file, "r")
+ file_content = fp.read()
- if commentstring == "":
- # look for stamp in content, replace with real stamp
- if re.search(re.escape(self._cfg.get("stampreplace")), filecontent):
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ commentstring empty, replacing stamp in file", 3)
- filecontent = re.sub(re.escape(self._cfg.get("stampreplace")), self._cfg.get("stamp"),
- filecontent)
- content.append(filecontent)
- (tempfd, tempfilename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=os.path.basename(destfile), dir="/tmp")
+ # if comment_string exists, add comment with category dir and filename
+ if comment_string:
+ content.append(f'{comment_string} {"/".join(file.split("/")[-2:])}')
+ content.append(file_content)
+ (temp_fd, temp_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=os.path.basename(dest_file), dir="/tmp")
- fp = os.fdopen(tempfd, "w")
+ fp = os.fdopen(temp_fd, "w")
except Exception as e:
- self._cfg.debug.stderr(f"Cannot write to temporary file {tempfilename}: {e}")
- os.remove(tempfilename)
+ self._cfg.debug.stderr(f'Cannot write to temporary file {temp_filename}: {e}', 0, 'ERROR')
+ os.remove(temp_filename)
return False
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Writing merged files into tempfile %s." % tempfilename, 3)
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'Writing merged files into temporary file {temp_filename}', 3)
for block in content:
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" ================ done: build_file {destfile} ===============", 1)
- return tempfilename
+ return temp_filename
- def process_all_files(self, destfiles, dir_config):
- """processes all files in destfiles, generate files from classes, compare and copy if necessary"""
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" ================ process_all_files ===============", 1)
- for df in destfiles.keys():
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" ??? Processing source files for %s." % df, 2)
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(df)):
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Directory %s does not exist, creating" % os.path.dirname(df), 1)
- os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(df))
- if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(df)):
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" --- Destination directory {os.path.dirname(df)} does not exist, skipping.",
- 1)
- return False
- # assemble file to tmp
- commentstring = ""
- if dir_config.check(section="Main", option="commentstring"):
- commentstring = dir_config.get(section="Main", option="commentstring")
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Found commentstring %s in %s" % (commentstring, df), 3)
- tempfilename = self.build_file(destfiles[df], df, commentstring)
- if not tempfilename:
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" --- Error while creating temp file for %s, skipping." % df, 1)
- continue
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Merged files %s for %s into %s" % (str(destfiles[df]), df, tempfilename), 2)
- # diff assembled file and config file
- if diff(df, tempfilename, commentstring, self._cfg):
- self._cfg.debug.stdout("File %s has changed" % df, 0)
- if not user_config_generated(df, self._cfg):
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ %s not generated by userconfig, backing up." % df, 2)
- # file not generated from userconfig -> back up
- backup_file(df, self._cfg)
- # copy tmp file to real location
- self._cfg.debug.stdout("Copy %s to %s." % (tempfilename, df), 0)
- copy_file(tempfilename, df, self._cfg)
- # remove tmp
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Removing temporary file %s." % tempfilename, 2)
- os.remove(tempfilename)
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" ================ process_all_files ===============", 1)
- def workconf(self, directory, depth=2):
- """walks through directory, collecting all filenames, returns list of all filenames"""
- dirs = os.listdir(directory)
- ret = []
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" ================ workconf {directory} ===============", 1)
- for d in dirs:
- name = directory + "/" + d
- if os.path.isdir(name):
- self.workconf(name, depth + 1)
- if name.endswith(".swp"):
- continue
- if d == ".svn":
- continue
- ret.append(name)
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Found file %s in directory %s" % (name, directory), 4)
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" ================ done: workconf {directory} ===============", 1)
+ def diff_and_copy_file(self, temp_filename, dest_filename, comment_string):
+ ret = False
+ if self.diff(dest_filename, temp_filename, comment_string):
+ if not self.user_config_generated(dest_filename):
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'{dest_filename} not generated by userconfig, running back_up.', 3)
+ self.backup_file(dest_filename)
+ self.copy_file(temp_filename, dest_filename)
+ ret = True
+ os.remove(temp_filename)
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'Removed temporary file {temp_filename}', 3, 'SUCCESS')
return ret
- def workdir(self, directory):
- """walks through all host classes, checking if the classes directory exists in directory
- then collect all filenames within this directory and return a dict of all files for this
- directory
- """
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" ================ workdir {directory} ===============", 1)
- # skip directory if no CONFIGFILE present
- if not os.path.isfile(directory+"/"+self._cfg.get("configfile")):
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(f' --- No file {self._cfg.get("configfile")} in {directory}, skipping.', 1)
- return {}, None
+ def create_destination_directories(self, dest_directory):
+ path = Path(dest_directory)
+ if not path.exists():
+ path.mkdir(parents=True)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
- # get config file for directory
- dir_config = get_config(directory + "/" + self._cfg.get("configfile"), self._cfg)
- if not dir_config:
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(f' --- Cannot read config file {self._cfg.get("configfile")} in {directory}, '
- f'skipping.', 1)
- return {}, None
- destdir = dir_config.get(section="Main", option="dest")
- # destfiles is a dict of all files that will be created from the classes config
- # key is the destination filename, values are all classes filenames that are used to
- # build the file
- destfiles = {}
+ def get_config(self, filename):
+ """reads filename as config, checks for DEST parameter and returns cfgfile object"""
- reverse_sort = dir_config.get(section="Main", option="reverse", boolean=True)
+ ret = Conf(filename=filename, debug=self._cfg.debug, force_filename=True)
except ValueError:
- reverse_sort = False
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(f' +++ reverse_sort is {reverse_sort}', 3)
- if os.access(directory + "/install.sh", os.X_OK):
- subprocess.call([directory + "/install.sh"])
+ self._cfg.debug.stderr(f'Error reading config file {filename}', 0, 'ERROR')
+ return False
+ # check for DEST parameter
+ if not ret.check(section="Main", option="dest"):
+ self._cfg.debug.stderr(f'No dest in config file {filename}', 0, 'ERROR')
+ return False
+ # make sure DEST ends with /
+ if not ret.get(section="Main", option="dest").endswith("/"):
+ ret.set(section="Main", option="dest", value=ret.get(section="Main", option="dest")+"/")
+ return ret
- # walk through all know classes in directory and find filenames
- for h in classes_for_host(reverse_sort):
- # build classes directory
- if h[0] != "":
- classdir = directory+"/"+h[0]+"_"+h[1]
+ @staticmethod
+ def read_skip_comment(fp, comment_string):
+ """Read line from filehandle fp and skip all empty (whitespace) lines and lines starting with comment_string
+ """
+ for line in fp:
+ line = line[:-1]
+ if ((comment_string != "" and not re.match("^"+re.escape(comment_string), line)) and line != "" and
+ not re.match(r"^\s+$", line)):
+ yield line
+ def diff(self, dest_file, temp_file, comment_string):
+ """diff dest_file and temp_file, returns True if files differ, False if they are the same"""
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'Diffing {dest_file} and {temp_file}, comment: {comment_string}', 3)
+ if not os.path.isfile(dest_file):
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'dest_file {dest_file} does not exist.', 3)
+ return True
+ if not os.path.isfile(temp_file):
+ self._cfg.debug.stderr(f'Temporary file {temp_file} does not exist, this should not happen.', 0, 'ERROR')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ fp1 = open(temp_file)
+ fp2 = open(dest_file)
+ for line1, line2 in zip(self.read_skip_comment(fp1, comment_string), self.read_skip_comment(fp2, comment_string)):
+ if line1 != line2:
+ fp1.close()
+ fp2.close()
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'{dest_file} differs from generated config', 3)
+ return True
+ fp1.close()
+ fp2.close()
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'{dest_file} is the same as generated config', 3)
+ return False
+ def user_config_generated(self, filename):
+ """returns True if filename has been generated by userconfig, False else"""
+ if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+ # filename does not exist, so it was not generated by userconfig
+ return False
+ if not self._cfg.check("stamp"):
+ # no STAMP in userconfig.cfg, so no way to check if file was generated by userconfig
+ return False
+ fp = open(filename, "r")
+ for line in fp:
+ if re.search(re.escape(self._cfg.get("stamp")), line):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def backup_file(self, filename):
+ """make backup of filename, returns True if backup is successful, False else"""
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'{filename} exists, finding backup name.', 3)
+ backup_name = filename+".userconfig."+time.strftime("%F")
+ test_backup_name = backup_name
+ counter = 0
+ while os.path.isfile(test_backup_name):
+ counter += 1
+ test_backup_name = backup_name+"."+str(counter)
+ os.rename(filename, test_backup_name)
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'Renamed {filename} to {test_backup_name}', 1, 'SUCCESS')
+ return True
+ else:
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'{filename} does not exist, do not need backup.', 3)
+ return False
+ def copy_file(self, sourcefile, dest_file):
+ """copy sourcefile to dest_file, returns True if successful, False else"""
+ if os.path.isfile(sourcefile):
+ # sourcefile exists
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout(f'Source file {sourcefile} exists, proceeding with copy.', 3)
+ if not os.path.isfile(dest_file) or os.access(dest_file, os.W_OK):
+ shutil.copy(sourcefile, dest_file)
+ return True
- classdir = directory+"/"+h[1]
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" ??? Looking for directory %s." % classdir, 4)
- # if class directory exists
- if os.path.isdir(classdir):
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Found directory %s, getting files." % classdir, 4)
- # get list of files within this class directory
- tempfiles = self.workconf(classdir)
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" +++ Got %d files: %s." % (len(tempfiles), str(tempfiles)), 4)
- # put files into dict
- for f in tempfiles:
- destname = destdir+os.path.basename(f) # destination filename
- if destname not in destfiles:
- destfiles[destname] = []
- destfiles[destname].append(f) # append each file to dict
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" +++ Added file to {destname}, now {len(destfiles[destname])} files: "
- f"{destfiles[destname]}", 4)
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(" === workdir: %s, Files: %s" % (directory, str(destfiles)), 3)
- self._cfg.debug.stdout(f" ================ done: workdir {directory} ===============", 1)
- return destfiles, dir_config
+ self._cfg.debug.stdout('Destination {dest_file} is not a file or not writable.', 0, 'ERROR')
+ return False
diff --git a/userconfig/checks.py b/userconfig/checks.py
index ec45195..d0d7941 100644
--- a/userconfig/checks.py
+++ b/userconfig/checks.py
@@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
import platform
-def get_short_hostname():
+def get_hostname():
hostname = platform.node()
if hostname.count("."):
hostname = hostname.split(".")[0]
return hostname
-def classes_for_host(reverse=False):
- classes = [(0, "", "header"),
- (1000, "", "footer"),
- (998, "", "all"),
- (800, "Arch", platform.system()),
- (10, "Host", get_short_hostname())
- ]
- classes.sort(key=lambda k: k[0], reverse=reverse)
- return [(k[1], k[2]) for k in classes]
+def get_arch():
+ return platform.system()
+def check_class(class_tuple):
+ (prio, category, value, path) = class_tuple
+ if category == 'Arch':
+ return get_arch() == value
+ elif category == 'Host':
+ return get_hostname() == value
+ elif value == '': # if value is empty, we cannot filter anything, so it matches always
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
diff --git a/userconfig/tools.py b/userconfig/tools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d83db14..0000000
--- a/userconfig/tools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-from userconfig.cfgfile import Conf
-import re
-import time
-import shutil
-class Debug:
- _verbose = 0
- def __init__(self, verbose=0):
- self.set_verbose(verbose)
- def set_verbose(self, verbose):
- self._verbose = verbose
- def add_verbose(self):
- self._verbose += 1
- def get_verbose(self):
- return self._verbose
- def stdout(self, out, level=0):
- if self._verbose >= level:
- print(out)
- def stderr(self, out, level=0):
- if self._verbose >= level:
- print(str(out)+"\n", file=sys.stderr)
-def get_config(filename, cfg):
- """reads filename as config, checks for DEST parameter and returns cfgfile object"""
- try:
- ret = Conf(filename=filename, debug=cfg.debug, force_filename=True)
- except ValueError:
- cfg.debug.stderr("Error reading config file %s" % filename)
- return False
- # check for DEST parameter
- if not ret.check(section="Main", option="dest"):
- cfg.debug.stderr("No dest in config file %s" % filename)
- return False
- # make sure DEST ends with /
- if not ret.get(section="Main", option="dest").endswith("/"):
- ret.set(section="Main", option="dest", value=ret.get(section="Main", option="dest")+"/")
- return ret
-def read_skip_comment(fp, commentstring):
- """Read line from filehandle fp and skip all empty (whitespace) lines and lines starting with commentstring
- """
- for line in fp:
- line = line[:-1]
- if ((commentstring != "" and not re.match("^"+re.escape(commentstring), line)) and line != "" and
- not re.match(r"^\s+$", line)):
- yield line
-def diff(destfile, tempfile, commentstring, cfg):
- """diff destfile and tempfile, returns True if files differ, False if they are the same"""
- cfg.debug.stdout("Diffing %s and %s, comment: %s" % (destfile, tempfile, commentstring), 3)
- if not os.path.isfile(destfile):
- cfg.debug.stdout("Destfile %s does not exist, returning True." % destfile, 3)
- # destfile does not exist -> copy tempfile over
- return True
- # if not destfile
- if not os.path.isfile(tempfile):
- # tempfile does not exist, this should never happen
- cfg.debug.stderr("Temporary file %s does not exist, this should not happen." % tempfile)
- sys.exit(1)
- # if not tempfile
- fp1 = open(tempfile)
- fp2 = open(destfile)
- for line1, line2 in zip(read_skip_comment(fp1, commentstring), read_skip_comment(fp2, commentstring)):
- if line1 != line2:
- fp1.close()
- fp2.close()
- cfg.debug.stdout("%s differs, return true" % destfile, 3)
- return True
- # if differ
- # for line
- fp1.close()
- fp2.close()
- cfg.debug.stdout("%s is the same, return false" % destfile, 3)
- return False
-def user_config_generated(filename, cfg):
- """returns True if filename has been generated by userconfig, False else"""
- if not os.path.isfile(filename):
- # filename does not exist, so it was not generated by userconfig
- return False
- if not cfg.check("stamp"):
- # no STAMP in userconfig.cfg, so no way to check if file was generated by userconfig
- return False
- fp = open(filename, "r")
- for line in fp:
- if re.search(re.escape(cfg.get("stamp")), line):
- return True
- return False
-def backup_file(filename, cfg):
- """make backup of filename, returns True if backup is successful, False else"""
- if os.path.isfile(filename):
- cfg.debug.stdout("%s exists, finding backup name." % filename, 3)
- backupname = filename+".userconfig."+time.strftime("%F")
- testbackupname = backupname
- counter = 0
- while os.path.isfile(testbackupname):
- counter += 1
- testbackupname = backupname+"."+str(counter)
- cfg.debug.stdout("Renaming %s to %s" % (filename, testbackupname), 1)
- os.rename(filename, testbackupname)
- return True
- else:
- cfg.debug.stdout("%s does not exist, do not need backup." % filename, 3)
- return False
-def copy_file(sourcefile, destfile, cfg):
- """copy sourcefile to destfile, returns True if successful, False else"""
- if os.path.isfile(sourcefile):
- # sourcefile exists
- cfg.debug.stdout("Source file %s exists, proceeding with copy." % sourcefile, 3)
- if not os.path.isfile(destfile) or os.access(destfile, os.W_OK):
- cfg.debug.stdout("Copying %s to %s" % (sourcefile, destfile), 1)
- shutil.copy(sourcefile, destfile)
- return True
- # destfile is writable
- else:
- cfg.debug.stdout("Destination file %s does not exist or is not writable." % destfile, 3)
- return False